Provider and Support Staff Online Training

To begin the training, please complete and submit this simple registration form. Register only once for all sessions of training. You can begin training immediately after submitting this survey.

Training consists of eight asynchronous sessions that you complete on your own and a ninth virtual session with Virginia HEPC scheduled at a time convenient for both.

Upon completion of the training and evaluation survey 8 Free Continuing Education Units are available for all designations

Provider and Support Staff Continuting Education for Hepatitis C

Join Virginia HepC's Community of Practice (COP) network. This monthly online meeting helps peers learn from each other, provides presentations from specialists, and focuses on topics in HCV treatment that are relevant to the community. HEPC COP helps sites know they are not alone in this fight as it improves practice and builds community. Sites are encouraged to share case studies from their current practice to review with the HEPC COP.

This is an ongoing meeting held online the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM.

1 Free CEUs upon attendance and evaluation survey after each meeting- available for all designations.

Support staff are encouraged to attend

Complete sign up below- just once for ability to attend all future Community of Practice meetings.

Feel free to share this invitation with others that may benefit from sharing experiences treating hepatitis C

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